Father's occupation means the job or works that an individual's father does.

What is the meaning of the father's occupation?​

Father's occupation means the job or work that an individual's father does.

Meaning of the word 'occupation'

  • In the field of English Sentence structure, the term 'occupation' can be depicted as a job, work or calling of a person.
  • In other words, the control occupation of a person depicts the work that he indeed does to make a kind of revenue for him and his family as his loved ones.
  • Father's occupation will allude to the work, work or business done by the person's fathers to get by.

Father "Occupation" Synonymous

  • father's business
  • father's business
  • father's business
  • father's occupation
  • father's occupation
  • father's position
  • paternal authority

Father Occupation Examples List

  • Farmer
  • Doctor
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer
  • Businessman
  • Worker
  • Manager
  • Salesman
  • Accountant
  • Private service
  • Shopkeeper
  • Self-employed
  • Merchants
  • Civil service

What are your father's occupations?

My father is a farmer.
My dad is an exceptionally busy man.
He has numerous occupations, yet his two fundamental ones are a dad and a spouse.
He likewise functions as a specialist, which takes up much of his time.
However, he generally sets aside a few minutes for us, come what may.


Friends, as we have come to know father's occupation means father's business or father's business. 

We hope you also have good information and must have learned a lot from this post. Because we have told very well that father occupation. 

What is the meaning of So with all this information, let's end this article here, then we will meet in a new article with a new top? Thank you.


Q1- What are your father's occupations?

Ans- My father is a farmer.

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